Domestic Violence is currently being funded in Illinois below the level it had been in 2009 - despite an increased need in services and support to help victims and their families stay safe. It was the only essential service in Illinois that lacked a significant investment in Governor Pritzker’s proposed FY23 budget.

We need to flood every state legislator's inbox with messages requesting their support of the $50 million domestic violence funding investment. We need your help in reaching out to your local legislators, and if you have time, to key legislators on the House & Senate Appropriations Committees with our message.

Please see the following link for a sample letter that can be used to email and/or call your local legislators.
Contact information for key state legislators:

To learn more about the funding request, please see the materials below. They have been given to every legislator in the state but please consider including these in your emails to your legislators.

A Letter from the executive director:

To read a letter from Carol Gall, Sarah's Inn's Executive Director, about the IL Domestic Violence State Funding, click here.

News coverage of state funding:

CBS2 - "Domestic Violence Service Providers Say Proposed Illinois Budget Allocation Falls Way Short"

Social Media Templates:

Visit Canva for social media templates to use to raise awareness.